Bundles of Blessings

A community ministry, meets at Knob Noster the first Thursday of each month at the Jubilation Center 108 South State Street, 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm.
YOU can help by:
• letting families with young children know about the program
• donating disposable diapers and wipes
• donating money for diapers and wipes
(Make checks payable to Knob Noster Community Programs)
Bundles of Blessings was begun as an outreach for teen mothers, but the ministry quickly grew to support any family with children ages newborn to five. Our philosophy is that every child, regardless of the circumstances, deserves unconditional love and grace.
Each unit develops the program according to the needs of their community and the resources available to them. This ministry will be housed in the Jubilation Center in Knob Noster, and will be available to families with children newborn-age 5 living in Johnson County who find they need a few diapers and wipes to get them through the month.
"Dry bottoms and smiling faces" is the motto of the Knob Noster unit of Bundles of Blessings which is sponsored by the Knob Noster United Methodist Women through the KN Community Programs.
For more information please call the Church Office (660) 563-2724.